The respective pages for rigs, canopies, and AADs all display the current availability - just select the item you're interested in renting and look at the "Availability" status.

If nothing suitable is available, please get in touch, and we can check any upcoming availability for you.

Because we offer a 0-day cancellation policy for our current rental customers, we don't always know much in advance of when we expect to receive equipment back. However, if we don't know upcoming availability for the item you are looking for, we are happy to put you on the waiting list and notify you as soon as we have an expected availability date.

If you are currently renting and would like to try a different canopy, please get in touch. If you can let us know what characteristics you like in the canopies you've jumped, we can advise on other models worth trying.

There's no charge for swapping a canopy, or even the whole rig, during the rental period but shipping costs may apply.