Don't use your personal number


Use Freshcaller - this also works from within Freshdesk (see bottom left)

Freshcaller App

App can be installed on your phone. Set yourself to be unavailable when you're not at work so you don't receive calls during your time off (customers will call at weird hours!)

Receiving Unsolicited Calls

We receive calls trying to sell us exchange rate services etc. quite frequently.

First, establish that it's a sales call (rather than a genuine supplier). They deliberately use confusing wording to make this unclear. Try asking:

  • Do we currently work with you
  • Is this an unsolicited sales call, or did we initiate contact with you? (Sometimes we might have contacted some sort of company that we are interested in using for something, so solicited calls are usually ok)

They will often ask to speak to a manager / director / accounts dept. If you have established that it's an unsolicited sales call, we're not interested in speaking to them, so just politely decline and get them off the phone. Depending on how annoying they have been, try one of the following:

  • Sorry, we're not interested in the services you're offering. Could you please remove us from your system?
  • This is a customer service phone line, I can't help you
  • We don't have an accounts department
  • Please email [email protected]