In Stock

Website product showing "In stock" with "Estimated dispatch: 2-5 working days".

In stock

This means you can continue with your purchase through the website and as it's in stock, it will be ready for collection or dispatched within 5 days.

Back-order / Custom order

Website product showing "Out of stock - on backorder and will be dispatched once in stock" with "Estimated dispatch: 2-5 working days (stock) / 3-4 weeks (back-order)".

Out of stock - backorder

In this situation, you'll be able to place your order as normal, but there will be a longer wait until it can be dispatched as we'll need to place an order with the manufacturer. Please get in touch if you'd like a more accurate lead time.

We'll keep you updated as best as we can on an expected delivery for your order; dates vary depending on manufacturer lead times, shipping and customs delays, and other factors.

Out of stock

Website product showing "Out of stock" with "Estimated dispatch: 2-5 working days (stock)"

When the item you want to order shows "Out of stock" in red, you won't be able to place the order on the website. This is due to a number of reasons, but if you get in touch with us, we'll be able to let you know when we're expecting to place an order and when it's likely to arrive.

We'll keep you updated as best as we can on an expected delivery for your order; dates vary depending on manufacturer lead times, shipping and customs delays, and other factors.

Contact Before Purchasing

Website product not showing any stock information with "Estimated dispatch: Please contact before purchasing".

For custom orders, we encourage people to get in touch with us first, so we can discuss the options with you and ensure you're ordering the right product with the correct options that fit your skydiving requirements. Custom orders cannot be returned or refunded.

If this article hasn't answered your query, please contact us.